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Visit the church of Chissey...

Visit the church of Chissey...

Several possibilities to visit the church of Chissey...

   On free visit all year round, the church is opened to the public from 9:00 am till 8:00 pm in summer and from 9:00 am till 4:30 pm in winter.

  By getting in touch with the Tourist information office of Arc-et-Senans, the ADAVAL or still the City hall of Chissey to know days and schedules of free guided tours during the summer season.

  By taking advantage of
the weekend of the European Heritage Days which take place every year the 3rd weekend of September. 

  By getting in touch with a volunteer of the Association of Protection of the Historical heritage of Chissey and six surrounding villages from the form of contact of this site:

No visits during church services

( For more information, refer in the section " Messes dominicales à Chissey " on the page "Liens")


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